the Ultimate Meeting 2005 is sponsored by
Fuerst Internet Solutions

Music Competition rules

  • The composer has to be present at the party personally
  • Only one entry per composer and competition allowed
  • In case that we will have to apply preselection: disqualified entries will not be spread and will not be votable.
  • Maximum allowed playing time is 4 minutes. Tunes that go beyond this limit will be faded out.
  • The use of copyrighted material is not allowed
  • All contributions for the music, graphics and videocontent compos will be released under a Creative Commons Licence. Look here for more information!

Streamed Music

  • the entry has to be delivered as .OGG or .MP3 file with at least 160kbit/s average bitrate.
  • You will have to provide a list of tools you used in creating your entry. This information will be shown on the bigscreen.

Fixed Style Tracked Music

  • IMPORTANT: This year we decided to give a fixed style for this competition, which is "shanty" (seamen/pirate song). Refer to this link, if you don't know what a shanty is:
  • It's no prerequisite to have any real shanty-vocals in the tune
  • the filesize limit is 1.457.664 bytes compressed (ZIP/LHZ, no RAR!)
  • .MOD/.S3M/.XM/.IT : replayed with XMPlay (native support)
  • .MED/.NST/.STM : replayed with ModPlug Sound System Input Plugin for XMPlay
  • .TFM/.TFMX/.TFX : replayed with Winamp2 TFMX player v1.25 Plugin for XMPlay

Executable Music

  • This is a cross-platform competition for all available machines (PC, C64, VIC20, Z80 Spectrum, Atari, NES, Amiga ECS...). Please bring special converters with you if your machine does not connect to a standard stereo mini headphone plug.
  • The entry has to be delivered as executable program and you'll have to prove that it works on the real machine (e.g. bring it with you and show the organizers)
  • Maximum filesize of the executable is 32768 bytes (129 blocks and 2 bytes on C64)
  • We won't show any screen contents during the competition
  • Maximum allowed pre-calculation time: 30 seconds
  • We will provide a C64 for the replaying of SID entries. Please tell us which SID-version you need on the submission form otherwise we will automatically use a 8580 SID
  • If possible, provide a MP3/OGG encoded version of your tune


questions? suggestions? flames? Don't be shy, use the provided contact form.


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